
The God who sees ahead

You would be forgiven if you had never heard of Native American Indian, Squanto. I knew nothing about him until this week when I started to research his life and his role…

7 today!

I am excited to tell you that this blog has been going now for 7 years today!! WHOOP!!! (Insert happy meme here!) I have posted over 600 separate times during…

Being still at Christmas

Christmas has always been a joyful time for me. As a child it was dominated by my hilarious Grandmother who loudly shouted every year things like, “Have you opened your…

Room at the Inn?

I don’t know what you think of when you picture the nativity. Perhaps it’s the sweet-faced little children in your life, dressed as angels and shepherds. Maybe it’s the nativity scene…

Hairy arms

Tonight we did a family quiet time and read the story of Jacob dressing up as Esau in order to steal his father’s blessing. (You can read the story in…

Deep water

Good morning. I do hope you are well. It is a Monday in my world. The beginning of another week of good intentions and fresh ideas. Mondays are blogging days,…