
Coming undone

There is a time and a place for the removal of underwear. As far as I am concerned this is not in public, or during the examination of one’s dental…

Stressed skin

This morning I was amused to find an old book on motherhood that my sister-in-law gave me some years ago. In it, amongst other alarmingly pointless things, is a fail-safe…

On being a good one

Abraham Lincoln is reported to have said, “Whatever you are, be a good one.” I like that. It’s simple. It’s challenging and it’s thought-provoking. I struggle to ‘be a good…

Fireman Angels

Yesterday my car broke down. The AA man (who appeared exactly 7 minutes after I rang) told me that there had been a small fire in the engine. That’s right….

“I will not say it”

The Bible speaks of a powerful weapon that some of us have never learnt to master. It is not a sword but can do just as much damage. It is…


1 Timothy 4:12″¨ says “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith…

Practicing His presence

For some time I have struggled to get into the pattern of praying which I developed during my last year in Kent. It was easy to pray in my last…

Selfish encourager

Giving encouragement is vital. But I believe that the most important person you should ever encourage is YOURSELF!! Before you think I have lost what little plot I still possess,…

The Maturing Process

Do you give up easily? When you find things hard, are you first out of the door? Or do you try again and use a different tactic? I confess that…

Buy one get none free

For the last couple of years I have been more than suspicious about the rise in the ‘bargain’ notices on our supermarket shelves. This morning I read an article that…