
Sliding doors

I was sitting on a train coming home from a meeting. We came into a station and I noticed a couple on the other platform with armfuls of suitcases and…

Jump for joy!

On a recent trip to America, my Jon bought me a lovely present. He knows my penchant for fun plastic jewelry and found a great little sunny yellow ring with…

Let us play

When an anonymous friar looked back over his life he regretted being so sensible. This is part of what he said: “If I had my life over again “¦ I…


I’m not a ‘demons in the marmalade’ type. I don’t think that every time I catch a mild cold I am being besieged by an army of evil spirits named…

Word search

My first Saturday job was working for a landscape gardener. Ken was a brilliant old bloke; a gentle, wise and quietly funny scouser. We got on famously, even when I…


When you are hurt or in trouble, who do you make your 999 call to? I used to have quite a long list of possibilities. Nowadays it’s much shorter. In…