I was sitting on a train coming home from a meeting. We came into a station and I noticed a couple on the other platform with armfuls of suitcases and a baby in a buggy. Obviously in a huge hurry, they kept pressing and banging at the lift button. They were frantically looking for a second lift or another way out of the station, shouting instructions and questions to each other constantly.

Whilst their backs were turned, the lift came and the doors opened, but as they were so busy looking for another exit they missed it entirely. With the lift still empty, the doors closed. Only at that moment did the couple turn to look at the lift again, seeing the closed doors once more. More angry pressing of the button. As far as they were concerned, nothing had changed.

Little did they realise that I had watched this whole scene play out before me. As my train sat, still motionless, I then saw them rush off, struggling to get up the stairs with all their cases, their baby -and their stress. I sat back and felt God imprint that picture on my mind.

If only they had waited. If only they had trusted that the lift would come.

Please be patient with God today. Please trust that He WILL come. Don’t miss His timing and His window for you in these next few weeks and months. Maybe you don’t need to busy yourself so much trying to look for an ‘exit strategy.’ Know today that God has already provided it. Instead, content yourself with pressing that button once and wait a while.