Yesterday just before our Grow Group meeting I sat down exhausted and very nearly tearful on our sofa. I had battled with Esther all day. She is 2 and very much having tantrums, especially this week when she is also struggling with a nasty cold. She had had a FULL ON lie- down -on -the -floor -in -a -supermarket -and -refuse -to -move kind of paddy which had left me totally drained. Jon is away for a few days, so I have been sole parent – something I never find that easy.

I opened my Bible and read Exodus 17: 10-12. It was so comforting and healing. God spoke to me very clearly in it. The verses (so you don’t need to look them up) say this:

“So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up””one on one side, one on the other””so that his hands remained steady till sunset.

There is a great deal contained in these few verses about the spiritual battles we face and how to overcome them.

Here are some of the thoughts that went through my mind.
Firstly, when we are fighting we must know that the battle is the Lord’s, not our own. The battle against the Amalekites is one that Moses had ordered, because God had told him to fight it.

Secondly, the battle is not fought alone. There are warriors of different kinds whose job it is to fight, there are also others whose role is to seek heavenly favour and pray into the battle strategy.

There are also those whose role is to support that person, or those people commanding the battle.

Finally, there are also props and circumstances placed in the vicinity that we are meant to use to help us. But we must use them!

So, how does this translate into your life and mine?

1. Not everything we go through is the result of a spiritual battle. The car dies, the toaster breaks, your child is ill. These may not be the result of spiritual warfare. Equally, sometimes there are battles we find ourselves in that feel very real, but they have not been commanded by God. If we sense that we are fighting something or someone alone, the battle may not have the Lord’s blessing in the first place and we must escape it. Any such battle is futile and dangerous. Uncommanded battles will lead to uncommanded results.
2. Secondly, God has placed us in churches, families and groups for a reason. There are always going to be people who are wiser and more experienced than you. Find them, hang out with them and learn what you can from them. It may not be easy, especially if you are a know-it-all type, but do it anyway! Also, make it your business to fight alongside others, maybe those who haven’t known Jesus quite so long, supporting them in prayer for their battles.
3. Finally, look for the rock that God has placed for you in your life. Moses was on the top of the hillside so that he had a good view of the battle. But when he needed to sit down, there was something firm he could rest on. No-one brought the rock to him. It was already there. God has given us places and spaces to rest in. But we must make use of them!

Rest is not an optional extra to life but something COMMANDED and expected by God. He built it into the pattern of all creation for a reason. It is because our praise, our work, our worship, our parenting, our prayers, our creativity, our passions, our relationships, our goals, our roles and our serving are all so much better when we observe a Sabbath.
Rocks are not comfy, but they don’t move. They might be hard and unyielding, but they are secure. Lean on that rock today if you are tired and weary. He will not let your foot slip or your arm fall.
He surrounds you with Aaron and Hur-type figures who He has placed to hold you up.

But don’t forget to sit down too. That way you can fight, pray and continue in the spirit for much longer. That’s great for you, but also for those who rely on you to help them win their battles too.