I like my comments from God to be like I have my steak: well done.

Recently, I have worked very hard on the children’s ministry at church; setting up new systems, getting teams together, sorting teaching themes… I won’t bore you with the detail!

Yesterday a friend came over and as we were chatting, she asked me a question.
“Do you feel thanked enough for what you have done?”
That is a funny one isn’t it?

How often do we embark on things, projects and dreams and feel flat because people aren’t clapping us on the back and throwing praises our way?

I responded that I do feel thanked and appreciated, yes. But when I was dwelling on this later, I realised something important. I don’t think I mind that much who says thank you to me.

Don’t get me wrong. It is always nice to have verbal praise and encouragement, but I don’t actually NEED it. Reason being, I don’t expect it will make all that much difference to me. I need to hear my ‘well done’s’ from God. I can go for a whole month on one word of approval from Him.
If He says, “Ems you did that well!” I thrive on that and that is all I need.

I get so excited when I hear Him speak to me. I know He notices the little things I do that no-one else will ever see or know about. He sees the sacrifices and the longings. He knows it all.

I know that so many people are searching for approval, belonging and significance and never find it. It is because they are looking for it from people.
My friend, if you are looking for approval from your church or your friends or even your family, you will be sorely disappointed. People are just so unpredictable. God, however, well He is not at all. What He says, He means. Forever.
Seek His approval today in how you are running your family, what you are spending your money on, who you speak to and how you fill your diary. His approval is worth 100 of anyone else’s.