One of the main reasons my husband fell in love with me is because, very early in our relationship, I rather shyly asked if I could watch ‘Match of the Day.’ Jon could not believe his good fortune. A girl that actually enjoyed footy and knew most of the names involved? What more could a man ask?! We have curled up together on the sofa for the last 12 years and enjoyed various MOTD’s together. We were hugely looking forward to watching the world cup and have been disappointed that it has made for very dull viewing indeed. Aside from a few choice goals here and there, it’s all been a bit lack lustre.

My youngest, very Liverpudlian brother is currently in South Africa covering the football. His banner, ‘Those scousers get everywhere’ can be seen in some of the shots. I read his blog today (Dr. Joel Rookwood, Soccerphile) and was amused to discover how, yet again, he used ‘the beautiful game’ (off the pitch) to make friends with total strangers in an unlikely place.

He and two friends bought a football in a shopping mall and encouraged the involvement of various intrigued bystanders. He writes:

“Two hours later we finally lost the ball thanks to a misguided header from Mick’s quiff, signalling the end of a memorable experience. Players from five continents representing various levels of inebriation, ability, hairstyles and political persuasions had completely taken over a corner of the shopping mall. When new players asked where we were from we simply replied ‘The United Nations’. The chances of the game being stopped were limited by the exuberant participation of the mall’s two security guards, whose brief probably included preventing such activities. This was South Africa at its best.’

What a beautiful picture of unity this gives us! In a world where man is at war with man, and where children are not safe to play in their own front garden (assuming they are blessed enough to have one) I’m glad that it is possible to play ‘keep-up’ with totally hammered strangers ‘down the shops.’ (as they say in Liverpool)

It made me think how we as Christians are meant to be a team, on the same side, living life and having fun together.
We are meant to unite nations.
How sad that a small leather ball can often do that far better.