Did you know that negative thinking can actually be fatal?

The story is told of a guy called Nick. He was a tough guy who worked on the railways. One night, after all his fellow workers had gone home, he accidentally locked himself in a refrigerated carriage. Worried that the temperature was below freezing, he yelled for help, but to no avail. The more he thought about his situation the colder he felt, until eventually he started shivering uncontrollably. Convinced he was dying, he wrote a letter to his family outlining what had happened.

The next morning they found Nick’s body. An autopsy revealed that he had indeed frozen to death. But the investigators discovered something puzzling. The carriage in which Nick was trapped was out of order and had been disconnected. The night he “froze to death” the temperature in the boxcar was 16.1 degrees, just below room temperature. But because he expected to die, he lost the battle in his mind.

What you believe about your life is more important than what anyone else believes.

What is it that consumes you? What do you worry about? Is is that you have cancer? Or that your wife is cheating on you? Or that your church isn’t growing? Maybe your child is ill, or your friend is absent or your job is precarious.

Don’t believe the worst about the situation you are in! Your mind has huge power over your body and therefore over the whole situation. He that is in you is GREATER than he that is in the world!

Don’t say “I will never accomplish this!” over your tomorrow. Say with me today that ALL things are possible for those in Christ Jesus… and that, my friends, means you and I.