I read an online article today about Eve and all the ‘firsts’ associated with her. She was obviously the first woman and the first wife…but, and this is something I have never thought about before, Eve was also the first and only woman born without sin.

Roman Catholics would argue that Mary was born without sin. I am sorry to offend my Catholic readers (and I know I have some!) but I can find no Biblical evidence for a sinless human being – even the mother of Christ – to make a doctrine out of. The Bible is clear that ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Poor Eve! I can remember listening to stories about her in Sunday School and thinking “If I had been her, I would have obeyed God and not eaten the fruit!” Of course this is a lie. You and I would both have rushed to it and greedily taken it, just like we do every time we walk deliberately into something God has asked us not to do.

Eve gets a very bad press. But I would have received the same in her position. I know I would. I would have been responsible, not her. I would have been in every artist’s picture- in a land of strategically-placed bushes, reaching for the wrong thing.

This got me thinking and veering away from the article I read…Eve was not born without the ABILITY to sin, but she was born without the LEGACY of sin in her life. She did not know sin, or know what it was to live in separation from God. She did not know what she was trifling with, or what the eternal consequences of her seemingly ‘tiny act’ of disobedience would be.
Similarly we don’t know what the consequences of our own actions are. Our inability to obey may have massive impact on other’s lives. We must be aware of our need to keep very short accounts with our Father!

Coming directly from the hand of God, Eve had an advantage no other woman has ever had; she was pure and holy, with the divine image of her Father totally unimpaired. It was not watered-down by genetics. It was not added-to by layers of flawed humanity. No wonder Adam was wowed by her!! She must have been a total stunner, inside and out.

And yet, whilst she was created sinless, she became the world’s first sinner, and introduced sin to her offspring, and thus, all since her are born in sin and shaped by iniquity.

I was thinking what we would LOOK like physically if we had no sin in us spiritually. I think sin affects how we look and feel, it affects how we dress and eat. It affects how we walk and give birth and sing and cook. In other words, sin affects everything. We are just so used to it being there that we don’t realise or notice.

The best and holiest people I know are sinful. The kindest and sweetest of loyal friends are full of the stuff. Even the most holy man I have ever known wept at his inability to please God.

Fresh from the hand of God with unmatchable grace and beauty of body and mind, Eve made a choice. It turned out it was a bad one.
Sin and ruin followed, and paradise was surrendered for a world of thorns, thistles and tears.

Aren’t you glad that God knew what to do about that?!

Praise God for sending Jesus! Praise God that He loves you in spite of the fact that even if you could relive your life again, you would probably still sin in the same way at the same time! Praise God that as the old chorus puts it:
“There’s a way back to God,
from the dark powers of sin.
There’s a door that is open
and you may go in
At Calvary’s cross
is where you begin
when you come as a sinner to Jesus.”

Father, I confess my sinfulness again to You. I tell you today that I am nothing without you. I am nothing without Your mercy and forgiveness. I am nothing without the freedom You bring. Thank you for the realisation again today that in Eve’s place, I would have done EXACTLY the same thing. I would have eaten that fruit and lied about it and tried to cover it up. Please show me ways in which I do that in my own life now. Show me how I displease You and where I can be changed by Your presence and Your power. Show me the fruit I am running towards and please may it be on the right tree.
