So, there I am merrily walking up our road pushing the buggy. It was cold and windy. I was wearing a mini ra-ra skirt. ( I know they are a bit last year.. or even the year before”¦ but such is my wardrobe.) I suddenly realised that my bottom was rather chilly, but only on the right-hand side.
I turned round and glanced behind me to see a flash of red.
My skirt was caught in my knickers!

Basically I had been having a bad knicker day. I had put on some knickers that were unaccountably uncomfortable and fought with them -and my tights – falling down all day. But I had not had time to change. On the way to pick up the children I decided that to make matters more comfy south of the equator I would add a pair of red knicks over my black tights ala Superman. Unfortunately, in my haste, I had tucked the top of my skirt into my pants (bright red with rainbow trim) as well.

What a dubious treat for the many, many passers-by on the high street!

We are always ‘on display.’ People watch us to see what we will do and how we will react to things. We don’t just represent Jesus or work for Him. For many people we ARE Him.

So what are you showing today? Are you showing the other cheek – pardon the pun – if others taunt you? Are you Christlike with your colleagues, your boss (behind their back) and your children?

Today I was horrified to see an advert pop up on some website for a phone app that is an xray scanner. It shows you people’s bone structure but also (apparently) their underwear.

Obviously anyone walking behind me would not need to purchase such a toy. I give them that kind of viewing for free!

But, I hope too that when people look at me, they see something brightly coloured, joyful and fun – the very essence of heaven ( and perhaps a whiff of persil?)