Well the 1st of January is upon us! A whole shiny brand new year. Yay for us!

I love the start of anything. The opening ceremony of the Olympics, the initial movement in a concerto, the first tooth in my child’s mouth. So much promise. So much to look forward to.

With the dawn of a new year comes the chance to look back with thankfulness, to look up with gratefulness and look forward with excitement to all God has in store.

I hope that you can leave the past behind you – in a healthy sense – this January and move forward into the good things that lie in wait for you.

At the beginning of each year, like thousands of others, I set myself a short list of resolutions. I resolved, some years ago, not to have too many. I like to be able to actually hit some of my targets! So I have 10. That may seem like quite a lot, but it works for me.

What about you? Are you the sort of person to make resolutions? And if you are, are you the kind who actually keeps them?

I am fascinated by what people decide to focus on as they cross over the threshold of a fresh year.
People resolve to do, say and be all sorts of things…

I will learn to play Cribbage.
I will master Lemon Meringue Pie.
I will spend less time on Facebook and more time praying.
I will start a blog.
I will stop my blog.
I will try to be more calm”¦

We can make all sorts of declarations and decisions can’t we?

What we resolve to do tells others a lot about us and about what we are wanting to achieve in life. I think it also speaks volumes in heaven!

It is interesting to note that the word ‘resolution’ has more than one meaning.

As a singer, I have learnt that this same word can mean the progression of a voice part or harmony back to a place of “peace.” In other words, resolution musically brings things back into balance and order.

I pray that what I have resolved to do and be this year, does this for me.

Secondly, as the wife of someone in the media, I am fully aware of a second less apparent meaning of the word. The ‘resolution’ on a computer or TV screen is the the degree of sharpness of a generated image. And woe betide you (in my house, at least) if you get this wrong!

I would love it if my goals remained clear and focused this year.

However you think of resolutions, it is helpful to actually make some and put them in a place you will see them regularly. They may be as simple as
“I will drink more water,” or as profound as “I will not make any big decision before seeking God.” But in order to complete your goal, you need to be firm and ‘resolute’ or determind.

Justine Roberts, the co-founder of the online group Mumsnet said, “This year I’m resolved to go to bed earlier. They say an hour of sleep before midnight is worth two after and that really we should all go to bed at sunset. Clearly at this time of year that would pretty much mean going to bed straight after lunch, tempting but not overly practical. So I’ll stick with a midnight curfew, and never mind what my other half does.”

We all need to be a little belligerent about our aims. One of my goals is to lose the extra stone of weight I put on after my Mum and my Gran died. It is now widely known that as well as to Jesus, I turned to chocolate cake as part of my comfort and it very kindly donated many calories to my waistline which I am now wanting to part company with.

This aim could be thwarted weekly if I am not careful. Eating late, going out for dinner with friends and hosting lots of people can play havoc with healthy eating. But I have resolved to put that aim first. I bravely texted a friend with whom we are having dinner this week. My text said that I would not be eating with them at all. I would eat with my children at 5pm and eat what I needed to then… I knew she wouldn’t be offended. I need to be a bit bolshy in order to achieve my goal. (My friend, who loves me and knows me well, was delighted to help me in this aim and will, I know, ply me with iced water and encouragement all evening.)

So, for the record, these are my aims:

1. To, as hitherto mentioned above in an aforementioned pre-written paragraph, lose 14 whole pounds of lard from my curvaceous frame.
2. To read the entire goodness contained within the Bible in a year (as many fellow Ivy Manchester church peeps are so doing.)
3. To blog in a more disciplined way. Tick. (for today at least!)
4. To release my second album.
5. To start my own publishing house. There I have said it. On an actual screen!
6. To begin to write my third book. Properly. With Chapters and stuff.
7. To continue to use the opportunities given me to speak.
8. To start singing again.
9. To meet my prayer triplet monthly.
10. To spend time with my children and my husband in intentional ways to bless and encourage them with their dreams and goals.

What about you? What are your goals? Your hopes and dreams for 2014?
What is God whispering to you about in the depths of your being?

Where your treasure is, there is your heart!

Thank you God for the fresh start you offer us each year and especially for today, the beginning of 2014. Help us to please you in our thoughts and our aims and to continue to reach up higher for all your want to bring to our lives.