People say the most ridiculous things.
Builders parlance is especially amusing… I am witnessing this first hand at the moment.
“You won’t know we are here…” which translates as “We won’t be there.”

“Make good” which equals “Disguise bodge up we made earlier.”

“Tea with five.” = Sugar, with a hint of tea

“We won’t be too noisy.” This means ‘We will shake the foundations of your very home such that cracks will appear in your top floor ceiling.”

Some people just don’t mean what they say, or say what they mean.
One of my favourite store signs ever said,
“If it’s in stock, then we have it!”
I guess that will ALWAYS be true won’t it?! But hardly anything to brag about.

It is hard in this day and age not to feel cynical when people say things to you and then don’t follow through. It can make you want to throw in the towel, give up and move on.

Recently I have been so so blessed by the sermons of Bishop TD Jake. I have devoured a number of his talks this week and fed from every word.
One thing he said really stuck in my heart and my head.

“Exceptional leaders, without exception, are born in the womb of adversity, not advantage.”

In other words, God trains us in the hard and difficult times about who He is and who we are too. I have no idea what I am learning right now but I do know that it feels tough and difficult in this season. I am praying that in this time of adversity, God is planting something exceptional in me.

I pray the same for you too.

And the best thing about God’s words are, they are always said by someone who can deliver on His promises!