I love the story in Mark 5 of Jesus healing the 12 year old daughter of Jairus, the synagogue leader. Verse 41 says:
“He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” (which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”).
The significance of those words really touched me the other day. Obviously they are from Aramaic, not Hebrew. A further suggested translation of the word ‘Talitha’ is Damsel or maiden. And of ‘koum’ – rise.

Jon was talking to me about this verse the other day saying that the sense he got was that Jesus was almost saying
‘Come on my princess! Rise up!’
Another meaning of Talitha is, rather amazingly ‘Lamb’.
This would translate as

“Lamb! I say to you rise up!”
Sounds a little Biblical huh?!
In this wonderful raising of the dead, was Jesus giving us a clue and a picture of His own wonderful and awesome resurrection?

There are circumstances around you today that Jesus is calling you to rise above. There are people who annoy you, situations you do not like, finances you do not understand. Rise above!
There are issues in your family, issues with your health, habits you can’t seem to break, problems in your mind. Rise up!
There are situations in your church, your workplace and your emotions. Rise above!

Imagine the face of Jesus very near to yours right now. Imagine Him looking at you, seeing the seemingly impossible and hopeless situation you are facing and just smiling.

“Lamb, Rise up! You can do it! I am here. You can make it! You can!”

I say to you today my friend, “Talitha Koum!”
(The picture insert shows a tatoo of this phrase.)