We arrived at church on Easter Day. Our children were given presents by their lovely leaders, amongst which were small palm crosses.

One of my boys handed his cross to me, but he did so upside-down. As I took it from him, I realised he had been brandishing it like a SWORD.

Never before had the power of the cross and all it’s meaning become so simple. And it took a 4 year old to show me

During one of the songs I went out to the front. Holding the cross as he had done, I shared this profound yet basic truth with my church family;

The cross is THE most powerful weapon we have been given. It is where we take each problem, sin and circumstance of our lives. In it, is the power, mystery, mercy and revelation of God. The cross has ‘said it all’ as the song goes.

We need nothing more to attack with than that plain, life-giving, incontrovertible truth of an empty cross and tomb.

Later on in the service, I noticed my eldest little boy holding his cross in the air as we listened to an audio version of the Easter Story.

“What are you doing that for?” I asked. He looked at me, his huge brown eyes wide and shining. “I’m showing everyone that this is the story of God,” he said.
When his arm got tired, he handed me the cross.
“Hold it up Mummy… nice and high. Then everyone will understand.”

That made my Easter. My children are so wise at times.