Imagine a runner in the race of her life. She has been preparing for this day ever since her first run round the block at the age of 9. She is fit for purpose, poised and tense. Everything her coach has taught her is ringing in her ears. Her muscles are ready, her brain is whirring. She tries to relax her breathing. Throwing her arms up in circles and warming up her shoulders, she tries to block out the noise of the crowd and the sight of the other athletes.

She is called to the starting blocks. She kneels to get her shoes in position. Her fingers hold her weight, supporting her strength. Around her neck is a thin gold chain and a cross. It swings pendulum-like back and forth against her skin. The words ‘For You’ wing their way into her consciousness.
She is.
She is.
Then another athlete false starts.
The gun has not gone.
The crowd are restless and take a while to calm.
The nerves heighten on the track.
The athletes tense up, running around like aggressive, insecure boxers.
She tries again to relax her breathing. Breathe in”¦ slow”¦. Breathe out”¦. Slow”¦.
She replaces her feet. Not so certain this time.
Again, she is poised to go.
She is.
She isn’t.
Her hands are shaking. Her body feels like it is in spasm.
The time between the shout of “Steady!” and the gun seems like an eternity. Words and images flash before her. Everything she has worked for is about to be tested.

“For You!” flashes into her head again.

This is how I feel today. I feel as though I am poised. Not very steady, but getting myself ready for the next thing. I can’t remember how long I have felt like this, but it is a while.
Being in a state of waiting is nerve-wracking. You can forget why you are in the race. You can forget that you are well-trained to do what you are about to do. You can forget that this is your destiny.
I felt God say to me through a friend yesterday that the most important part of my race is not the end. It is already won or lost at the very start. My stance, my attitude, my preparation, my physical and mental state is so important to how I will run.

Being poised is biblically accurate. We are meant to be in a state of constant readiness for The Bridegroom’s return. I don’t want to be caught napping when He comes back, neither do I want to have buried the talents He has given me. Oh God! Please make me a faithful steward of what You place within me. Help me be ready for the moment when you say “GO!”

It’s all for You anyway.