A couple of our friends, Zeb and Theo, who are twins, have an amazing band called “Always Awake.” The other night they were over singing us one of their new songs “All the world lights up.” I wish I had it recorded for you to download. It is quite beautiful.

I felt it lift the atmosphere in the house.
The other worship leaders who were here for a meal were listening too and we all joined in and sung the chorus over each other a few times.

This morning I gave the children pancakes for a special start-of-the-holidays- breakfast. As I was cooking, they started to sing the song – which to my knowledge, they had never heard. They sang the tune accurately and the words nearly correctly…

“I can see sparks fly
I can see sparks fly
I can see sparks fly
with your love…”

I was stunned.

“How do you know that song guys?” I asked them.

“I don’t know,” said Sam. “I think I heard it the other night when the guys came over.”

The fact that they all remembered this song two days later, having only heard it whilst half asleep made me smile.

Sometimes our spirits are at work when we are unaware of it.

Lets give God some time today to break in and minister to our souls.

When sparks of the spirit fly, who knows what they will light up and catch on fire?