Last night I was at a New Wine event as part of the band. My wonderful parents offered to have the children and put them to bed so that I could go. The rehearsal and sound check was just after the school pick up, so I went to the playground to get the boys with full eye make-up on. One of my friends commented on the incongruous nature of my attire. Glamourous makeup and tatty trainers!

She asked why I looked so different. I told her I had a gig at my church. As we got chatting she asked how I ended up at Ivy. I told the whole story in bitesize chunks about how I had been at a worship conference and met Debra Green – a pastor at our church. Debra had given me a very accurate prophecy about my past and my future which had secured in my mind that we needed to come to Manchester and to Ivy.

As I was telling this story to my friend, who I don’t know very well yet, she was open-mouthed.

“You mean to say you moved to a totally new place because she said all that to you?”

“Petty much… yeah!” I smiled.

She held my hand for a moment before saying, “Can I come to your church? I’d like to be part of something like that.”

“Of course!” I said. “I’m singing on Sunday, a couple of other mums from school are coming. Why don’t you come too?”

“Yes, I’d like that.”
I went to give her a hug, but she was about to walk away. We had a little bit of a potential awkward moment. Seeing that she had sort of missed out, she turned back and gave me a full on hug for a long time. When we pulled apart I could see that God’s spirit was on her.

Watch this space! But I feel as though my dream of having some kind of new “discover who you are” group could be quite close at hand. Amazing what wearing sparkly eyeshadow can lead to isn’t it?!

Oh and the gig? It was an amazing time of revelation and answered prayer. God is SO good. At the end I was chatting to the other worship leader about it. He commented that when we were playing a certain song and I was playing celtic whistle he saw a picture of me writing beautiful things in silver pen… It was a very silvery day yesterday. The glitter of God sparkled all over the place! I pray you have a similarly shiny day today.