A couple of weeks ago I was put in touch with an old friend from University days. I hadn’t seen him for 15 years and wondered whether we would have anything in common when he and his wife pitched up for lunch. It was immediately a wonderful atmosphere. Yay! The spiritual rapport we had all those years ago was still there, strong as ever, (actually stronger) and we had a fabulously relaxed time. It was beautiful to see what God had done in our lives since we last met. I could have listened and talked to them through the night with ease! In fact, I wondered more than once how on earth I had lost touch with someone so precious.

We had been in a couple of funk bands together and played a number of fun university gigs, supporting acts like Juls Holland and Doctor and the Medics. (yeah, I’m showing my age with that one, I know!) It was my first taste of true performing. As we reminisced, I realised those days had formed a foundation to what God is now doing.

I remembered some of the jams we had in our rooms, and the many chats about what we would do with our lives. My friend always was, and still is, a world changer. It was great to see how God has used his skills and passions since, placing him in strategic places of influence, and allowing him to find and marry someone so clearly seeking God’s heart too.

I’m thrilled that whilst Rupert is no longer a drummer, (And newsflash… Boy… was he good!) he now plays guitar in a large worship band. As I watched him and his wife playing happily with our children in the garden, both mutually at ease with utter ‘strangers’ in Christ, and as we shared a lovely worship time together, I felt quite emotional. I’ve said it before to you, I know, but the body of Christ is incredible! God built something significant 15 years ago that lay dormant. But when it was given opportunity, it came alive with absolutely no effort from us.

My drummer from all those years ago, a dear friend, an encourager, a guru of a designer, an anointed musician and an entrepreneur with Godly persuasion, is now back in my life. When I last saw him he was a sweet boy. Now he is a giant pastoral man with huge gifting. I am so excited to see what purpose God has in us rediscovering one another. I sense that much good is to come. Watch this space.

Oh… And the name of our funk band? ‘Sound foundation.’ Good huh?!