I woke up this morning feeling a bit rough… The next thing I knew Sam arrived by my bed in full Doctors outfit, sporting a natty plastic medical case and funky coloured stethoscope.

He asked what the matter was and listened to my symptoms:
1. Headache
2. Achey legs
3. Sore throat

He then examined me, (fairly badly and mainly by hitting my shins with the stethoscope) before declaring things to be very bad indeed. He told me I needed to go to hospital with my legs, because they needed to be looked at ‘straight away.’

Tom, armed with another stethoscope (I believe we have four in total) joined in the ‘ward round’ and disagreed violently with his colleague.
‘Nope!” He said. “Your legs are fine. Get up and you’ll be right as rain in a bit!.”

Jon, who overheard this little conversation, looked at me and smiled.
“It’s always good to have a second opinion isn’t it love?”

How right he is!
Sometimes we make bad decisions because we listened to the wrong voice, or to only one voice.
I read the wonderful story of Jethro (Moses’ father-in-law) this morning. He came to see his son-in-law and sat with him listening to his problems. He could see that the whole Israelite camp relied too heavily on Moses for wisdom.
His advice was for Moses to hire some elders, fast!

Moses did as wise Jethro said and from that point only dealt with the complex issues that needed special wisdom. He drew others alongside him to help him with the simpler issues.

Don’t be tempted today to handle everything all by yourself. God sometimes puts an absolute gem of wisdom into someone else’s mouth just for you to hear. It’s always good to have a second opinion especially when its of God.