Sometimes it’s not easy to tell people what they mean to us. We can just ‘not get round to it.’ There seems to be too much going on. Somehow we miss the moment. The words dry up on our tongue or the email never gets sent. It often feels in this Christmas season, more than any other, we are busier and have less time to say the important things. But should that really be our excuse?

Just how much of what we feel goes unsaid and what impact does our silence have?
Who is starved of your affection, attention, amplification or acknowledgment today?
Who has no idea how you feel about them, how much you appreciate them, how your life would be poorer without them, or what difference they have made to your past or your present?

There are many people that God plants in our yesterdays to enable us to face our tomorrows. There are also many people who need us to be people of real influence in their lives if they are going to achieve great things for God.

I am a person that gives a lot of encouragement. I enjoy telling people what I think about them to their face. I am two faced, but both my faces say the same thing. I just say it behind their back too. I approve of approval.

So don’t wait until someone’s gone before you allow yourself to notice them. Say it now. Say it today!

“They say such nice things about people at their funerals that it makes me sad that I’m going to miss mine by just a few days.” GARRISON KEILLOR