I am currently reading through Ecclesiastes in my morning quiet times. It is a strange book, often written in rather depressing tones. But there is always something hopeful to be found in the verses too. I am thoroughly enjoying it.

Today’s reading from chapter 9 made me think about two words:


I am in charge of one of those things, but not the other. And yet I think I often worry about the one I am not in charge of and don’t take action about the one I am more able to control.

Let me explain.
God is able to give us peace in any situation. When Jesus left his disciples to go to heaven he left peace behind as a gift. It is ours for the taking. This means that we can be peaceful in the midst of heartache, grief, financial difficulty, excess work-load, difficult relationships, and crisis points in life. This is our OUTLOOK, our attitude, what we display to ourselves and to others. We can control how we feel. We can decide to be happy, or sad, or angry, or whatever.

What is not in our control is the OUTCOME of any given situation. This is God’s domain and His responsibility. I can decide to be hopeful about how He will end something, I can pray about the outcome, but ultimately it is HIM who decides and works it out. It is not up to me.

If we believe, as we are encouraged to, that ALL things work together for our good, then we can truly let God BE GOD in this way.

Recently I have been thinking about losing weight – again. It is my besetting sin, the thing I have struggled with all my life. I sometimes, no, often, catch myself thinking that I will always have this battle. But today I was so encouraged as I read these verses:

“Go eat your food with gladness and drink your wine with a joyful heart for it is now that God favours what you do.” Ecclesiastes 9:7

I so want it to be NOW. I so want God to change the outcome on this issue in my life. But I have my part to play too. Look at that verse again. What do I have to eat and drink with? JOY and GLADNESS, not fear, guilt, depression, anxiety or pain.

That is so key to what I need right now.

Perhaps you could read those verses for your situation today. Maybe you need to insert your own words in the verse…

Go and love your Dad with gladness and bless your sister with joy

Go and forgive your boss with gladness and care for your wife with joy.

What could your situation read?

I encourage you to put yourself in this verse and take it to heart.

Why? Because it is NOW God favours what we do.
There is an urgency is this verse. We are not around for ever. We won’t be able to love someone lavishly or forgive them purposely if they die, or we die.

Is there anyone you need to change your outlook about today?

God is in charge of the outcome. You must take charge of your part of the deal.