I have been thinking today about opinions. I have realised that my opinion about something matters to me more than someone else’s. I think that on the whole this is a good thing. It means that I won’t be persuaded to like something that I think is just plain, well, ugly”¦ for example UGG boots. Never, in my humble opinion, has a product been so aptly-named. I just don’t like them. I know other people do… and that’s fine. I just don’t. I don’t like the shape, the impracticality (you can’t wear them in rain, snow, fog, heat or in fact most weather Manchester throws down) or the flippin’ price. When everyone else went crazy about them a few years ago I stood and watched in amazement”¦ but was never tempted to purchase.

It also means that if I like someone or something… no matter what others say, my mind is pretty well made up.

Opinions are important. Some people’s opinion is highly prized. For example the mysterious chosen few who select those worthy of a Michelin star. Critics are born good at evaluating things. I think I came out of the womb and assessed my own birth. I gave it a strong 9 out of 10.

I am always keen to share my views. I have so many of them that they need an outlet. (Why do you think I write a blog?!) But I have had to learn that sometimes my views are not necessarily ones to air. “I share because I care.” Last night, whilst on the phone to my brother he, apparently so a text said afterwards, managed to cook and eat a meal, shower and change into a suit whilst listening to me and occasionally grunting in my ear!

I was having a chat to God about opinions the other day and He gave me a rather neat understanding of them. It is simple but, I think, profound.

Opinions matter
Opinions flatter
Opinions shatter

Let’s look at these three things:

Opinions matter
Opinions, what people think and how they feel, do matter. We are built to care about what people around us feel about the way we act, dress, address personal hygiene issues or speak. Living in community means we can’t be immune to the hashtag of thought out there. High speed social networking means that everyone else can know our opinion on a hat or a meal the second after we have formed that thought in our minds. We need to be careful that their opinion does not MAKE, or break ours.

Opinions flatter
There are many people out there paid to schmooze. Their job is to smoothe the way for a new person, product or programme. Their words drip with engaging phrases that can make us want or feel we need what they think we should want or need. Recently my daughter came into the kitchen asking for a new toy she had seen on TV. It was a boy’s toy and meant for children much older than her. But she had watched the advert and believed the hype. We must be aware that all that glitters is not gold.

Opinions shatter
I have met a number of people in my life who are capable of being so cutting about a person or a product or an image, that is has tainted, changed and shattered other people’s opinions. It is all very well to strive for excellence, but there are ways of being gentle in how we say it.

I have had to learn the hard way that I will only listen to a few trusted people about my life. I take in what everyone says about me, or to me”¦ but I will not act on all I hear. I have my own opinion about whose opinions count for me.

Whose opinion matters to you? Be honest?

I am learning (still) that what God says about me and to me, is FAR more important than what others say.He looks on or at THE HEART. He sees deeper than the latest skinny jeans, or the ray bans, or the next in style of skirt.

It will be different for each person. But don’t get swept up in fear of man because you are trying to please someone ‘powerful’ in your life. Especially if they are wearing UGG boots. Just saying.