Esther took her first steps yesterday. The pure elation on her face was gorgeous… she literally beamed, making high pitched squeals of delight and clapping her hands. But I think I was as delighted.
I called everyone upstairs to witness the historic occasion. Much cheering and clapping ensued. Yay for Team Hancock!

The ability to rejoice in someone else’s achievements is a beautiful thing. I hate it when I find people are mean and jealous of one another. If I think someone has a lovely voice, or made a fabulous cake, or written a great book or led a service well, I will tell them. I try very hard not to covet what they have and to enjoy their success. Of course, annoyingly, I am human, so I won’t always feel like this, but I know this is what God asks of me.

People know that if something good happens to them Jon and I will champion it too. We have some good friends who are currently involved in an amazing project with some guys abroad. The reaction of some of their pals has been suspicion and jealousy. But we couldn’t be more proud of them and happy that God has exalted them. They are so incredibly gifted, but also know how to stay humble.

I have noticed that this attitude of building others up is catching. The boys are developing the same trait. They are beginning (with encouragement and praise from us) to encourage and praise one another and others. Yesterday, unbeknown to me, Tom took a picture to church he had drawn of a guy we know in a pop band. He marched up to him and gave it to him as an ‘I think you’re cool’ message. Sweeeet! It really blessed Lins who later sent me a text to say what it meant to him.
Proof that 4 year olds can impact the Pop industry!

Criticism and back-biting is so easy chaps. How many times have you gone to church and dissected it all the way home? Or how many people have you mouthed off about behind their backs?

I know that I am naturally a very critical person. I critique things for a hobby – and in fact have been paid on more than one occasion to problem solve and ‘make things better’ in an organisation. Jon and I are quick to know what we like, enjoy, and respect too…. but we are also very aware that our words can give life, purpose and joy to others or the very opposite. Can you remember a time someone praised you? What happened in your spirit as a result?

One small step for someone can become a ‘giant leap’ if our words are used to give life and hope to it.

So today, make the effort to be relentlessly positive about those around you. Look for and expect the best from your family and your friends and watch what God does. A cheerful spirit gives life. Take that to heart my friend.