I’m in a new season and I am not very good at it yet!

I know that writing this blog makes me happy. It feeds me as well as giving me a vent for all I am learning. But, I often let it slip out of my day because other things seem so vital. You know, cooking meals, praying with people, baking cakes for the birthdays of endless friends…trying to get fit… normal life stuff.

But I need to blog. I need to blog because of who I am and what God has given me. Most people blog because they they hope they have something valuable to say. But funnily enough some of those same bloggers run out of steam, ideas, time or creative flow.

For some reason, I wake up wanting to write. It is something I have always had. I am a story teller and teacher in my very soul. I remember things that bless me and I hope I pass those on to others effectively and accurately.

Today I was reminded by someone who does not know me why I should make time to write more. It was one of those conversations you want to bottle in syrupy preservative so that you will always have some handy encouragement on tap. A lady I have never met properly or had a conversation with approached me and simply told me this, “I’ve started your book and I can’t put it down.” How lovely!

As she spoke she made me feel taller and taller. She simply shared what reading my thoughts on grief meant to her. Broken and raw as they were and still are.

I walked away feeling like I wanted to run to my laptop and start tapping away.

We all need encouragement to do what we do. I don’t work in an office and I often spend whole days totally alone. So its nice when a reader contacts me or makes the effort to say something. I need to write because people like her need to read.