I find it extraordinary that apparently sane, clever people ‘touch wood’ as they speak about something they hope will happen. Others are genuinely upset if they see two magpies, break a mirror or accidentally put up an umbrella in a house, thinking it will bring them ‘bad luck.’

What if all of those things were to happen in one day?
What if a person tried to touch wood, only to discover it was melamine MASQUERADING as wood? What if they then saw two black and white birds, fell backwards into a mirror, breaking it and forcing a nearby umbrella to be released and do its worst?
What then? Surely this person would just be forced to give up living and enrol in the nearest hermit course”¦?

I feel sorry for those whose lives are run by such tiny, arbitary occurrences.

A recent cutting from the Sunderland Times stated this rather hilarious but sad truth:
“A family has recruited a Medium to help find an escaped pet cockatiel. The spiritualist said, “I put my hands on the cage and got a direct insight into where the bird is located. I’m now certain it’s in a wooded area, possibly a tree.”

I mean, seriously!!! I reckon that particular Medium, and many like her, was just a teensy bit rubbish. A good friend of mine recently prayed about contacting someone they didn’t know and God gave him an exact, correct email address. Another man asked God to reveal to him where a particular woman was located so that he could pray healing over her. He looked up at the sky and the name of the hospital was written on a ‘screen’ that appeared in the clouds. He drove to the hospital, prayed for the lady who was released three days later, right as rain.

A girl that I had the privilege to mentor for a few years told me recently that she was served at a petrol station by a man wearing all sorts of new age jewellery. She asked what the symbols meant.

He replied, “I worship the sun and moon. I am a pagan.”
Fie answered, “Really? I worship the God who made all that!”

Let us not be those who live by superstition of any kind. There is nothing super about it.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Don’t lean on your own understanding.
Hang on a minute. I’m sensing something”¦ I’m now certain that the missing cockatiel”¦ has”¦ feathers.
Medium schmedium!