Last night, Jon took one look at me and suggested i sit down…
He found a cooking programme for me in which Rick Stein was travelling through Spain. He came across a flat, unremarkable stretch of country with some remarkable people in it.

One such man was a vineyard owner who spoke passionately about the grapes he grows and the wine he makes.

As part of the conversation he declared,

“We are miles away from the sea. We are miles away from the mountains, but we are very near the sky.”

I thought about this as a spiritual principle.

It is certainly how I feel at the moment!
We can sometimes sense that we are a long way from visible clues on the horizon and it can feel as though we may not be making much progress towards certain goals we have set ourselves.

Have we
Written that book yet?
Moved from that city?
Changed that attitude?
Moved away from that mindset?
Worked through that issue?

Even if we haven’t, the truth is, that you and I have “lots of sky” and spiritual hope and blessing above us and that should bring us great comfort and peace.