I am clearly not a true ‘creative’ because I am always on time for meetings, but I do like to make stuff.

I draw the line at knitting though. I’ve tried it a few times and I am monumentally rubbish at it. I made a scarf once that was thicker than a whale omlette and would not actually tie round my neck. To be fair, it was more of a ‘whole body warmer’. I wore it persistently for a few days but felt so close to passing out through heat exhaustion that I angrily committed it to a nearby London wheely bin.

My mother and mother-in-law are, however, expert in the collectively difficult arts of knitting, crochet and sewing. This particular gene did not dive into my pool. I think it ran bravely towards a more patient person.

As I was dressing my baby girl today in one of her Gran’s handmade cardigans, I stopped to think….What pleasure there must be in seeing someone you love wear something you have made especially for them!

How heart -breaking must it be when your cherished item is consigned to stay in tissue paper, gathering dust on an unreachable shelf?…. the phrase ‘oh you shouldn’t have!’ ringing in your ears….

How then must God feel, looking at us, in all the complex beauty of His precious design, knowing that we do not acknowledge Him in any way or ‘wear’ His label with any pride? How hurtful must it be to hear us complain about the shape of our nose or the roundness of our tummy, the wrinkle near our eyes or the colour of our hair?

I love being hand-made by God. I rejoice in every curve (well nearly) of my frame and in all the amazing intricacies of what makes me ‘me’. I’ve noticed new lines on my face recently, but I’ve earnt every one. I’m no catwalk model, but I have learnt that God meant every part of me to look as it does. That’s very freeing you know? (Plus, it gives me alot more room in my head to care about things that really matter.)

I’m no fan of so-called designer clothes and wouldn’t wear a ‘label’ if begged to by Gok himself. But I love knowing I’m designer-made. That’s better than any knitted item you could make me. (and, I beg you, please don’t. Women of my shape were not born to be clad in Aran.)

Will there be knitting in heaven? And if so, will I miraculously be fabulous at it?