How good are you at taking the blame when you need to? Or do you always try and deflect anything that comes your way? My children (if that’s not deflecting the subject rather too quickly myself) are amazing at this skill…
“It’s not my fault that I spilt my soup, Ben was making me laugh…!”

” I didn’t leave my shoes out in the rain. Tom forgot to tell me they were still in the garden!”

My in-laws were staying this weekend and read me a hilarious clip from their newspaper which was along these lines:

“Horse and trap driver John Mulvenna told police that his horse Fred went through a red light because he was colour blind.”

This man was later charged with drink driving. But he had the audacity to blame HIS HORSE for going through a red light.

I can just imagine the conversation…

“No! NO! Occifer… you see Fred’s… not got his special glasses on today and he can’t tell the difference…. between a green and a red light, can you my boy?”

It is all too easy to blame someone else when we fluff things up. This week I made a decision. I made it knowing it would have some consequences. It turns out that it might not have been the best call. Am I going to own up to God about it or try and find a ‘scapehorse” to blame?

I think I’ll own up, after all, God knows it anyway.

I went through a bit of a red light. I’m sorry God. It was me.