What is your faith like when rough things happen to you?
Are you able to stand strong and firm and sing through the craziness?
In truth, not many of us are, are we?
We whine, struggle, moan, and we may even pray. A bit. But many of us will battle on and ask wearily, “Why me?!”

A couple of year ago, Jon and I were at a conference at church where the legend that is Graham Cook was preaching. He spoke about the negative things that have happened in his life and how God has shown Him how to believe that they will all turn out for his blessing. He told us the story of a plane ride where he sat next to a satanist. The man started cursing Graham.
Rather amused and not in any way intimidated, Graham asked the man to stop whilst he fetched a pen and paper.
“I need to write all this down.” he smiled. ” Because God will ensure that whatever you say, the opposite will happen.”

The man was rather taken aback and tried to curse him further but he rather ran out of steam. Graham turned to him and said, “Is that really the best you have? I think you need a break. Go and have a drink and then come back when you have some more for me.”

I love this story and this attitude, but I often struggle to remember it when I am going through a battle.

Proverbs 10:25 says,
“When a storm strikes…God will keep safe all who obey him.’

There is real blessing in obedience.
God wants us to praise Him in every season and every circumstance.

My recent daily notes said this:

“There is no such thing as a storm- free life! The words ‘When (not if) a storm strikes,’ teach us that we all go through times of heartache and trouble. The question is: are you prepared?

You can be. God can protect you in times of loss, sickness, divorce, unemployment, loneliness and depression. You may not be able to predict life’s storms or prevent them, but you can prepare for them and be protected in them by doing the following things: Locate your storm shelter. Mid-storm is no time to be caught in confusion, seeking refuge for yourself and your family.

You must know in Whom and where your protection lies. The Bible says, ‘The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe’ (Proverbs 18:10 KJV). God’s ‘name’ speaks of His character, His reliability and His faithfulness.

A man or woman without God is forced to be their own God-what a fearful thought! But those who love God can say, ‘God is a safe place to hide, ready to help when we need him. We stand fearless…courageous in seastorm and earthquake, before the rush and roar of oceans, the tremours that shift mountains…’ (Psalms 46:1-3 TM).

The old Irish preacher had his own take on the hymn. He’d say, ‘On Christ the solid rock I stand-all other rocks are sham-rocks!’ Trust God; He’s the only storm shelter you’ll ever need.”

So how prepared are you today? Do you feel ready for the wind and the waves? Or are you begging God for smooth sailing?

Remember that when Jesus was in the boat with his disciples during the storm, he was so un-phased by it, that he slept. When he was awoken by an abrupt, accusatory shout “Don’t you care that we may drown?!” He woke up and spoke peace to the storm. In the same way, He can speak peace to your storm today.
Whatever is raging, He is strong and will weather it.

All that is happening is for your good.
(The Hebrew writing inset here means “Shalom”, or the peace of God)