I was (and, Praise God, still am) one of four children. My parents were both only children, and not happily so. They each craved the company of other children whilst they were growing up. Thus, when they were married, they asked God to give them a ‘big family’.

My idea of family is the same. Big, noisy, messy, fun, a little chaos thrown in. Full fridges followed by empty fridges in one mealtime. Hangers on. Waifs and strays. Changes of beds. Mattresses on floors. Miracles in corridors. That’s my idea of family.

I am very blessed on a daily basis by my children. I love who they are and what they do. They may me proud. They make me laugh. They sometimes make me cry. But they make me… well more me, I guess.

I was praying the other day over Esther as I was putting her to bed. Her little eyes were going drowsy as she sucked her milk and her tiny fingers started to curl into the waves of her fine baby hair. She was totally safe, happy and snuggly. She smiled up at me sleepily and stroked my face saying ‘Argggg’ as she did so. I melted.

I asked God that whatever I do with the rest of my life, whether I serve Him in this house, or in my church or in my nation or other nations, that I will always be the type of mummy who loves her children first.

I am grateful for my four. I never want them to be sidelined or pushed aside whilst I “serve” God. Whatever I do, or Jon does I pray they will be part of the picture. Doing it with us. Adding to the craziness. I also pray that we will be part of their ministry.

We are Team Hancock in every sense.
I pray the Ruth prayer over them:
“Where they go, I will go, their people shall be our people and their God our God.”

I am looking forward to the first time Sam leads worship, Ben preaches and Tom saves lives. I can’t wait until Esther writes her first song. I think I may burst with pride as I watch all the prophecies over their lives unfold.

I am part of a TEAM.
When the children were born we knew they were God’s best for us.
B for Ben
E for Esther
S for Sam
T for Tom

Thank you God for our Team. Help us lead it well.