“When the dog bites, when the bee stings….” are surely a few of the least favourite, (or, more accurately, most sung about) dislikes out there. I have other pet hates; boxing, man-tan, (eeuugh!) black olives…the list goes on.

But do you know what? I met a guy last weekend whose hatred for injustice made me positively ashamed. Why? Because I get more cross about the price of cheese. He made me so uncomfortable as he spoke about sex trafficking in this country, on our streets, happening as you read this, with girls who are as young as MY children.

It made me squirm in my chair that I have never done anything to stop it. Ever. My excuse has always been that hearing anything like that gives me harrowing nightmares (which it does.) But somehow that didn’t seem to be that important as I listened to his stories of rescue and hope.

Ben Cooley is aptly named. He is one of the most engaging speakers Jon and I have ever heard, (and we have heard a fair few.) Forthright and devastatingly anarchic on one hand, he speaks with winning humour and prophetic wisdom on the other. I suspect that the lid on his box of gifts doesn’t shut well. I sought him out after his talk and made some disastrously lame comments. Check this out for exhibit A:
“Hey Ben…. I… Erm… enjoyed what you said,” I began. (ooh… awkward) “Well, actually I didn’t,” I corrected, aware that I was suddenly becoming hot and flustered. ” In fact, I kind of hated it, (Oh EMS!) but it was brilliant…. But…(ground swallow me whole) It was disgusting…(someone just take me away now) and absorbing…. Er… I want to play you a song…” I fumbled for words, feeling foolish and idiotic. Had I taken an awkward pill that morning??

Ben then did something completely brilliant. He made me really laugh (not just at myself). He is good at rescuing those in discomfort. (One suspects this will be the first liine of his long obituary.) Disarmingly, Ben is one hilarious guy. Properly, properly funny. We just sat at the back of this hall and giggled for a bit. Phew. My cheeks returned to normal colour and I sat down.

Ben is so passionate about freeing people from the slavery of sex trafficking, it makes you want to empty your bank account, there and then. Something about the way he speaks and the stories he tells, makes you believe him when he says that this problem can be eradicated from our shores. You believe him, because it’s true.

I emailed him later that day and asked him to check out ‘Mary’s song’ on my album. I couldn’t help feeling as we spoke that it summed up Father’s heart for those he was constantly seeking to rescue:

“He will give you a crown
instead of ashes,
He will give you a gown
Instead of rags
He will make you holy
And whole
He will say to you
Come, let me restore your soul.”

I’m praying about how I can support his work. I know it will happen.

If you have time today, check out the ‘Hope for justice’ site. (hopeforjustice.org.uk) It really is life transforming, humbling stuff.

Oh, and if you ever meet Ben, take your cheque book, just in case like me you feel overcome by the spirit and convicted to actually do something; something about the thousands of little girls out there forced into filthy, depraved sexual acts, instead of making daisychains and learning to tell the time.