Sometimes it is possible to lie to ourselves about our relationships. We can think they are all ok, ticking along nicely when actually rot has set in. Perhaps we are not as ‘affair proof’ as we might like to be…?

Following on from yesterday I offer you some questions that you might like to reflect on about your own marriage, or your close friendships/relationships.

1. What life lessons have taught you the importance of faithfulness?
2. In what ways can we let our husbands, wives or business partners down in thought, word or deed?
3. In what ways can we be unfaithful to God?
4. It is often small steps that lead towards affairs. Working backwards from ‘sleeping with someone else’s partner,’ can you trace back 10 small steps that might happen? How can you avoid these?
5. Lack of honesty and accountability is often at the root of falling
into temptation and sin. How accountable are you? How honest are you? Do you have someone who knows you, warts and all?
6. Here are some phrases connected with relationship.
Which ones would you ask someone you trust to pray for you right now?

closer spiritual walk
greater intimacy
developing your love or praise language
spending more quality time with one another
habits and thoughts
unhealthy relationships
lack of accountability
recapturing the sense of ‘first love’

May God bless you as you seek to be honest with Him about areas you struggle with. May He enrich you with the beauty of His spirit. May He endow you with the knowledge of His love and grace and may He walk closer alongside you today than He did yesterday.
