You know how sometimes God speaks to you through seemingly insignificant things? Well, the other day I was half watching a Veggietales DVD with my little ones. I was minding my own business, feeding my baby and skimming through a magazine.

I suddenly found myself drawn to the screen. The story being played out was the battle of Jericho. As I watched the little cartoon vegetables marching around, singing some crazy song, something dawned on me. God commanded those high, strong walls to fall after the blow of trumpets and a big shout. But He did not say ‘Stand well back!’ or ‘Make sure you run away!’ to His people. (At least not that is recorded.)

I found it extraordinary that God could utterly destroy huge city walls without hurting a single person on the OUTSIDE perimeter- and keeping Rahab and her family safe INSIDE.

Perhaps the walls fell in, rather than out? Maybe the bricks collapsed on top of one another? I guess we may never know. Significantly, before all this happened, God spoke to Joshua and said, “I HAVE delivered Jericho into your hands..” not ‘I will.’ Before Joshua acts, God has provided, answered, delivered, undertaken, assured, covenanted and safeguarded His own. (see Joshua 6:8)

This massive game of Hokey Cokey with the Walls…( ‘In, out, shake it all about’) secured the city for God.

God can build up and tear down. He can destroy and rebuild. And He can do both without harming us.