I am not a big fan of communion wafers. If I was on Facebook, I wouldn’t have a fanpage dedicated to them. But I do like the fact that some of them have pictures on. I don’t want you to think that I am greedy, but yesterday I had communion twice. In my first communion I was given a wafer (YUK) with a cross on it (YAY) But I actually liked it. The simple symbolism hit me in a deep way. Eating the meaning of Easter. Allowing the cross to penetrate the body. Taking in something of the story and the meaning and the purpose…

It was a very good ‘Good Friday’ for me. During the day we met up with two families of close friends, whom we have adopted as family, for a picnic in the blazing sunshine and the kids had an Easter Egg Hunt. Seriously. What’s not to like?!

Then we got home just in time for me to dash over to my parents to share communion with them and their vicar. It was a really beautiful and special time to pray and focus on the meaning of Good Friday and also to dedicate Mum to the Lord before her operation on Tuesday to remove the second cancer in her eye.

As we sat in silence, Gerry anointed each of us with oil and prayed over us. She prayed some very specific and enlightened prayers for us, including ones for my voice and ministry. Gulp.

I then got back in time to help bath the children and share a time of family communion with Jon and the boys. We asked them to serve one another the bread and wine and say something to bless each other. It was an absolutely unforgettable thing to watch them speaking into each other’s little lives. “Don’t forget Jesus died for you Tombie.”
“This is Jesus’ blood to help you not forget him Benny…” Gulp again.

As I lay in bed last night and looked back over the day, I was very grateful for my Saviour, my family and my friends. Not in a sentimental, nostalgic way. No. In a tenacious, tender, loving way that I haven’t experienced for a long while.

The word says that “By His stripes, we are healed.” I think somehow, by focussing on Jesus the way God allowed me to yesterday, some more healing took place.

May you have an Easter where you know who you are, who you are loved by and why Jesus died for you.