The door bounced back on its hinges in the strong wind as the boys breathlessly threw it open.
They were running in and out of the garden, keeping a check on the BBQ that Jon was manfully trying to keep lit in the wind, and my progress with the rest of the food in the kitchen.
They must have opened the door like this 20 times in about 5 minutes.
“Shut the door!” I shouted for the 8th time…”You’re letting all the wind in.”

Misty Edwards sings an amazing song. A friend sent me the lyrics the other day in a very prophetic and wonderful email:

Fling wide the door to my soul
Open up the door to my heart
Have your way, have your way
Have your way yeah

I won’t be afraid
I will face the wind
I won’t be afraid
I’ll embrace the flame

Let the winds blow

Fling wide the door to my soul
Open up the door to my heart
Have your way, have your way
Have your way yeah

Take me through the fire
Take me through the rain
Take me through the testing
I’ll do anything
Test me try me prove me refine me
Like to gold, like to gold

Perhaps we are meant to face the wind today and not be afraid of the unknown. We are meant to let the spirit in.

Take some time out today and listen to this song on youtube. Ask God to fling wide the gates to your soul.