When was the last time someone sought you out to tell you something personal and confidential? I am always very touched when people ask to see me for prayer, healing or some kind of personal conversation about something hard. It shows they have true confidence – not in me, but in the God who I worship, listen to and follow.

My verse for the day today was the following from Psalm 24:14: “The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them.”
The word “confides” here in the Hebrew text connotes the way that a person would speak to a friend. I love that!
God wants to talk to us as his friends.

What do we mean when someone confides in us?
In the dictionary the word ‘confide’ is defined as:

1. to disclose (secret or personal matters) in confidence (to); reveal in private (to)
2. ) to have complete trust
3. to entrust into another’s keeping
[from Latin confīdere, from fīdere to trust; related to Latin foedus meaning treaty]

There is so much meaning in this, isn’t there?
God longs to confide in me.
But I am always someone worthy of that?
Am I someone God can disclose secret or personal matters to?
Am I someone He can trust with the depth of His heart and those of His children?

When I was younger I really struggled with confidentiality. I used to find it hard not to blab the things people had told me. Maybe you are the same?
But I had to learn, the hard way, that much of what I am told is not for public disclosure. It is private and cannot be talked of. Sometimes, ever. I have to be a cul-de-sac and not a dual carriageway.
I want people to trust me with their ‘stuff’ because I want to emulate God.

I had to ask myself an honest question. When did the Lord last confide in me? When did I last take time to listen, in the secret place of my heart for His voice on a private matter?
What about you? Does God share His deepest plans with you? Does He talk to you at ALL?

Ask Him today whether you are someone He trusts. If not, why not? Let us get ourselves ready to hear from God today!