Yesterday was an amazing one for us.
Jon took the day off, enabling me to travel to Liverpool to be with Mum and Dad as they went to the Eye research centre at the Royal hospital.
My youngest brother Joel came with us and was a wonderful addition to the party…

And oddly, it did feel a bit like a celebration, at times.
I didn’t feel anxious, fearful or concerned once.
I don’t think Mum did either.
We were drenched in the love and prayers of so many people and we all felt it. It was tangible and palpable.

The second we arrived at the hospital, a lady got out of her car and crossed the road to hug Mum. She had been at the conference with my parents last week and had prayed for them. Prompted by the Lord to come to the hospital and simply hug my Mum and Dad, she ‘welcomed’ us all to Liverpool… She had no idea how she was going to meet us… but then just ‘happened’ upon us…A beautiful indication of how the rest of the day would go…

It felt like we had Automatic doors into many wonderful situations.

We were given three options for Mum’s treatment and Mum was unsure how to respond. She asked the Professor if I could pray for her right there in the Consultation room. I asked God to give us wisdom and then just waited. We then all agreed on a course of action – that of having a plaque fitted to Mum’s eye that would kill the cancerous cells.

The oncology nurse assigned to us was, (Praise God) a wonderful Christian… WHOOP WHOOP! and during the consultation, she told us part of what had happened to her this week. One of her children had walked out after a real upset and not returned. She knew he was safe, but was still devastated. We were able to share some words of love and encouragement with her and Mum gave her one of my albums. (The title of which seemed more than appropriate to the hour…) Hugging her and telling her we would pray for her was a really precious, tear-filled moment.

I told her that her son WAS coming home! ( I know you are reading this my love… and its true!) I urge others reading to join with me in prayer for this lady right now that God would whisper His love and bring about a miracle in her son. Please Father!

As if this was not enough, as we spent some time waiting to see the Doctor again, the Lord sent us a lovely Christian couple to speak with. They were somewhat anxiously, but also faith-fully waiting for a pre-op assessment for the removal of his eye tomorrow. We spent a treasured hour with them, chatting about their hopes and dreams. I had a word for them about their future and we swopped email contact.

It was, indeed, a day of automatic doors.
Cancer is a strange and, in some ways, ugly gift to our family. But it is a gift none-the-less. I am loving how God is teaching us already to hold it and use it for Him.