Disturbing prayers
A friend of ours gave me this prayer last night and I have been dwelling on it ever since. It is a beautiful, but sobering truth that most of the…
A friend of ours gave me this prayer last night and I have been dwelling on it ever since. It is a beautiful, but sobering truth that most of the…
Do you sometimes sense that no-one understands you? Do you have times where you feel alone or even lonely? Read this beautiful passage with me from Lamentations 3:24-28 24 I…
Can you think of a time when God asked you to do something that was utterly beyond your experience or skill? What did He prove to you as a result?…
Sometimes we have times in life where we feel stale. Inwardly and outwardly we can detect little growth or change; our goals seem distant and what we are doing appears…
I often feel inadequate and small. Today I feel especially so. There are just some days when I don’t measure up to the measure I have for myself… whether that…
Sometimes it is possible to lie to ourselves about our relationships. We can think they are all ok, ticking along nicely when actually rot has set in. Perhaps we are…
We had a hard-hitting talk at church yesterday entitled ‘Affair-proofing your marriage.” It’s part of a series we are looking at on the 10 commandments. I can’t remember ever having…
This week has been a real peaks and troughs kind of week. Maybe you have had a similar one. I’ve had some massive highs and a few lows. But I…
“Father Abraham had many sons…” as the song goes. I have long admired this 70 year old man who had his life turned utterly upside down by a God who…
It has been said that America is a country that has no idea where it is going, but is determined to break the land speed record getting there. Having determination…